Not only does it cue back to Hydrox, but its a fun, whimsical name that really works with the Keebler imagery. Keebler marketing director for cookies Carolyn Burns explained to Fortune in 1999. Please bring this cookie backit's been gone way too long!! We DO need them back - no other cookie/candy bar compares! I too remember these as a kid - we kept them in the fridgeI was thinking about them today which brought me to this page. Reeses' stix are not the same but still evoke some of the same taste. Oh these were my favorite cookies. Every year for Christmas my parents would buy me a lot of them for my stocking. They were best after being in the fridge. What's the problem? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! One of my sisters used to buy them and lock them up un her room. They were wonderful. I sent an email directly to the company and didn't even receive the courtesy of a reply. I loved IDEAL bars!! Invite your friends to do the same. I can still taste them. (He liked Peanut butter and banana sandwiches, too). Will have to try another e-mail address. Those Ideal bars were so great, maybe the top notch ingredients didn't leave them enough profit. Nabisco-PLEASE make them again. I would love to see Nabisco bring them back for my family. He had to do all the hard work of reformulating the snack, but once he had figured that out, it was off to the races. Price would not be a factor for sales of the greatest cookie ever. Try the frozen treat that inspired Arrested Development's famous banana stand. The best cookie of the 60s and 70s. Bring them back! It was fun watching everyone scramble, grab, and nearly fight over who was going to get the Bisco's sugar wafers. Nabisco Chocolate Snaps Cookies by: Rico Hatcher recipient: Nabisco Company If you fell in love with the Nabisco Chocolate Snap cookies in the 70's and 80's, then sign this petition. This Is The Dark History You Never Knew About Oreo Cookies - So Yummy please nabisco,start making ideal cookies again, Hello good folks, have had a time with my momery, and can you believe after (3) years the name of this cookie finally came to me, it was the "IDEAL", these cookies were made in the 60's also, and looking on the shelves, and going to hundreds of grocery stores I could never find them. I will buy them out!!! Still my favorite cookie of all times! Ha!.NO REALLY. Years ago I contacted Nabisco about bringing them back but was told that would never happen. Nabisco factory in New Jersey closing after 63 years - New York Post These were my favorite cookies as a child and I also kept them in the fridge!! google_ad_type = "text_image"; Best cookie ever made!! There is a Facebook page called Bring Back The Ideal Bar! There was only one store in our little town that carried them. The price got really high and they did not sell that well. 1981 Nabisco merges with Standard Brands. Even now, so many years later,I have never found another cookie that I have enjoyed more. If you all really want to do something about it, go to the Nabisco website. I'm from CT,and my Dad would buy them whenever they were available. I truly miss these cookies, they are by far the BEST cookie I ever had. And I guess there's ony one real answer. I need one for myself!). please make this cookie again! :}, P.S. Like most American brands. Can't believe they aren't made any more. I think it must be at least 25 years since they were available. I am so glad I found this site. Lets all write or e-mail Nabisco. There was just one problem. See answer (1) Best Answer Copy Nabisco says that when enough people request the cookies, they will bring them back. Wow, I thought I was the only one who remembered these great tasting cookies. Ideal cookies were the best cookies ever. Ideal cookies were absolutely the best! "Today just being fat-free is not enough," he said. Not to many, and just enough (until the next trip to the store! All the other cookies out there except for Pinwheels, Mallowmars and maybe a few others aren't any good; in fact they are terrible compared to Ideal. Melt the Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate morsels. to see if I can find these cookies. My mom had to hide them because I would sit and eat almost all of them in one sitting. They were so delicious out of the refrigerator. The folks at Nabisco must just be a bunch of big, dumb, stupidheads to not want to bring them back. The only thing that I have found that even comes close is a Peanut Butter Twix. Did you lose the recipe? Vintage Nabisco (National Biscuit Co.) Collectibility and Fun Facts Nabisco, come on, look at all the sales here. My Dad would buy multiple boxes, then hide at least one in his truck so that we kids couldn't eat them all. I will call Nabisco in the morning. Check out Little Debbie's substitute, Peanut Butter Crunch Bars: I can't peel the chocolate off them like I did on the Ideals, but they're quite acceptable. the time is ripe for bringing back some treasured tastes of the old days! Nothing made today compares! The truth was a bit more complicated, however. It was on the very top shelf. If anybody ever hears of a petition please email me. My husband and I started to think maybe we had dreamed about Ideal Cookies. If I could stand on the street corner for themall legs would be hanging out LOL. Maybe I will email Keebler and encourage them to check out this site - for sure there's a demand - so how 'bout they provide the supply - :). They were his favorite. I try every new peanut butter cookie I see, but none quite compare to Ideals. read petition letter Dear Nabisco, I just saw this Comment Page Today; I Agree with Brenda who wrote earlier this very day, and so many, many others eho commented over the past 12 years, that IDEAL COOKIES were the Absolute Best snack of childhood and beyond, to whenever they stopped being made. I loved these when I was a little girl. Please, Nabiscobring them back. It makes no sense!! I always figured they were available in some part of the country that I hadn't visited yet. I keep telling my grandkids about them and they can't believe me or wontPLEASE BRING THESE WONDERFUL TREATS BACK !! Sorry, Belinda, Peanut Butter Twix is not even close! DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYONE FROM NABISCO THAT COULD STRT THESE BACK UP? Seriously. I want to recreate them with a recipe contest! Followed by Penguin cookies! Ritz Bits S'mores. Miss them so much. He was going on about what happened to "his" peanut butter bars. Keebler realized this was a problem and quickly attempted to rename the cookies Droxies, a sort of softening of the name to discourage people from thinking of chemicals. These are the best cookies bar noneI still haven't figured out why they stopped making these cookiesI live close to the nabisco plant (before they tore it down) and ask one person there why they quit making them and she could not answer me. How difficult can this be? The peanut butter part of the Ideals was slightly salty, and that is what made it so good. He was amazed that I knew what he was asking. Kids can't grow up without tasting these! Nabisco, if these wonderful cookies are too expensive to make and sell in a package of cookies, how about packaging them as candy bars? Then, I'd eat the ends of each bar first. That has never made sense to me! Remember biting into them and then dunking them in milk in such a way that milk would fill then void. Send a message to Nabisco to bring Ideal bars back. Mike Mozart, Flickr // CC BY 2.0. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in making our lives better. TD PGH. I miss these cookies too! Maybe we need to start our own petition to Nabisco! This site was so fun to find. I am so glad I found this link because it makes me feel connected with all the other IDEAL COOKIE LOVERS. When I was a kid I used to be a pretty good actor. Let me have ONE memory of my childhood back! A mouse got into the cupboard and ate one bite from each cookie -- I would happily still have eaten them all, but the counselors made me throw them out --I still get sad thinking about it!! My son has never had one. If they're not going to sell them any more can't they at least share the recipe??!!!! They were almost like a candy bar. evenings watching TV and eating a package of them with Daddy & cold white milk. I'm looking for a cookie that my dad and I used to eat when i was little I belive they were Heydays or maydays similar to a 1000 Grand bar with wafer cookie and carmel and rice krispies does anyone remember??????? Contact Kraft/Nabisco and let them know that there are LOYAL Nabisco customers that want to BUY Ideal Bars! Getting the lard out: The koshering of the Oreo cookie They will make tons of $$$ dough on this cookie annually. I am so glad I'm not the only one who misses Ideal cookies. But the cookies design, which was initially sold with an exotic English biscuit twist, was pretty interesting for its era: With an industrial press from a mold, the cookie took on the look of a flower. Keebler makes a Pretzel bite that is as close as it gets, but still not Ideal!!!!!! I was about 10 when they came into my life. A current Facebook thread on the topic is full of tales about quests for the item. I knew they were peanut butter logs - I couldn't remember the Ideal part. We're all demanding the cookie - where is the supply? Timmy D PGH WE will prevail. Womens Hairstyles . Ideal cookies were a great part of childhood. Please let me find Ideal PB cookie bars on our cookie shelves. This is a dark time in cookie history, one Hydrox partisan, Gary Nadeau, wrote, according to the Wall Street Journal. My Mom and I were just talking about Ideal cookies. Holy cow. I'm with you guys; Scott, Jim, Jan, et,al My most treasured memories of the seventies include that cookie/bar. BRING THEM BACK, NABISCO. Mom finally had to restrict us to 1 each otherwise they never lasted more than an hour after getting them home. It is Little Debbie Peanut Butter Crunch cookie bars. I'd then take a small bite of both ends of the Ideal bar, dip one end into the milk and suck the milk through like a straw. Really? Yup, I've been craving them for years now and, alas, still no Ideal like an ideal. been thinking about these lost cookies for decades now! Chill dough for about an hour. The Rise, Fall, and Return of Hydrox Cookies, the Proto-Oreo. Unfortunately in todays society, the squeezy wheel gets the oil. Mondelez International, the Illinois-based parent company that makes Oreo cookies, announced in July that it plans to invest $130 million in four state-of-the-art manufacturing lines that will. I still think about them. Ideal ,One of the best cookies ever on the store shelf ! Nothing taste as good as the ideal cookie. I would say that I am amazed with how many people remember Ideal cookies but I am not. My mom and I were just talking about good cookies that are no longer available. Thank you all! I thought that maybe my memory was better than the cookie really was but evidently my memory served me well!!! I would love to get my hands on them again. My sister and I wear talking about these cookies and I had to google them. Long story short, it was a weird name for a cookie. Get them home intact, if possible, refrigerate or freeze, get a glass of ice cold milk, or fresh brewed tea, and eat, a little touch of Heaven! Please bring them back! Then later they came in a dark brown package (and seemed to have lost something then). I remember these and still desire them! These were the BEST cookies EVER!! There are none like them. The Ideal Bars by Nabisco was the best cookies that one could buy from the store. I have tried to substitute the Little Debbies, but they are not a match. Through the years I told so many people that my ALL TIME FAVORITE STORE BOUGHT COOKIE was Nabisco's Ideal cookies. Where did they go and why did they stop making them? soooooooo are they coming back, i'm still needing them!!!!!! He's 92 now and was asking about them last week. I remember them from 50 yrs ago . Please come back. They can have the goldI just want to enjoy these cookies again. Well being a creative kid I scrounged all the coke bottles and pennies in the house that I could find and returned them with a wagon and got more cookies. The Little Debbie bars don't even compare to Ideal Bars. And what about them not being big sellers? "Once Upon A Time" I was told that Nabisco discontinued production of these cookies because of the heat factor in shipping (chocolate melting, etc.) There will always be room in this world for more chocolate and peanut butter. Please Nabisco, Ideal or whomever owns the recipebring them back! That was where all the sweets were kept. When mom would buy them at the grocer's she had to hide them!!! :(. I concur with every favorable sentiment expressed about these cookies and if someone from Nabisco were to read all of these comments and if a lightbulb were to go on upstairs, they might see the dollar signs written on the wall. I'm going to the web site to put in a request. You can't find anything that even comes close to the taste. I'll sign a petition too! LET'S GET MOVING ON THIS! Once I nearly cut off my finger trying to cut one from the end that had stuck to the others. Here's the Kraft customer service number: 877-535-5666 or you can email Nabisco: Take a couple of minutes and make the request. When I met my husband 25 years ago his favorite thing was an Ideal Bar - and to this day when I ask him what he needs from the store, his response is always "Ideal Bars". Even just a small note to bring back a beautiful cookie to me would be one step closer. "The levels of lead found in Nabisco's Ginger Snap cookies posed a serious health threat, potentially impacting the brain development of our children," said California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris in a press release quoted in Consumer Affairs. There is nothing that compares to the Ideal cookie which is why it had the perfect name. There were air gaps between the various layers of the one cookie I ate so far. ( MondelezInternationaldotcom)has bought out the snack division of Nabisco. Do anyone remember the cookie back in the 1970's shaped liked a little feet with pink icing on it. Can't believe they're gone for good My sister and I were trying to explain this cookie to my youngest daughter today. My sister, Teressa and I would buy a package of these cookies and eat the whole package before we got home. There are some cookies called Nutter Butter, if you melt some semi-sweet chocolate chips and dip these cookies in the chocolate, it comes fairly close to the Ideal cookie. I actually contacted them and they said if they heard from enough people they might consider bringing them back. It just as well that they don't bring back because I think I would overdose on them or balloon to 400 lbs!