At first we were given a drawing of a new sanctuary. A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. By sheer volume in the epistles, doctrine is brought up more than moral issues. Coy certainly paid a heavy price for his infidelity: His family has broken to pieces, and his chapels packed with thousands of adoring fans have been replaced with a half-full nightclub in Boca. We need to have discernment these days otherwise many shall be deceived. MLD, until you show me that you are wiling to disagree with Luther on anything, then it is, in essence, me discussing doctrine with a man that has been dead for centuries. I learned to trust God to receive the meat of His word and to spit out the bones of mans opinion. A man who cheats does so because he is a cheater and has no respect for his wife. Daughter: 'Daddy Held Me Down And The Truck Went Over Me' - AP NEWS Hence, 3 1/2 years of tribulation. He could preach a Jesus message with a straight face on Sundayhaving done so much evil the Saturday before. Come on. Anonymous I know what youre speaking about there was defiantly is a we know better attitude through the church as is with any structured environment but I on at least (3) occasions took Bob to task on issues I questioned and each time he heard and reasoned with me, one time conceded, one time there was a healing between two churches and one time we agreed I was taking a bit too much license and should stay on the set point to which I conceded. Thanks. Too bad Christians dont look beyond a mans reputation to the truth. We must keep our eyes fixed on JESUS. I pray that Bob Coy hasnt left decades of bodies in his wake, and I will be praying for them (nameless as they may be to me) and for his church and family to recover. Whats up with that? a new church down the street] Against the dysfunctions of the church [ Why cant we all just get along? These are well documented facts. That whole situation made everyone pleased. I will be praying for CCFTL and the Coy family; this is going to be felt a very long time indeed. ", "I haven't prayed enough for my Pastor Bob and his family," Beth Graber wrote. Use grace. Unfortunately, we have seen too many pastors rush back to the pulpit without being ready and honoring God with true repentance. Miss Daisy, i assume youre a woman, if youre not, then you have bigger problems, but if youre a woman of course you havent had problems with porn, porn is primarily a mans vice. my point exactly. Diane Schuler Case | Wrong Way Crash Kills 8 Jay is 4 Justice Podcast 87.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 243 Share 8.7K views 1 year ago #dianeschuler. Because of their public persona, people like us are also passing judgement on her personal life. if not you would be guilty of bearing false witness. If true that absolutely stuns me. Huge crowds hung on his every word. To bag on sisters and brothers who are as convinced of their conclusions as you are of yours is ungracious, short-sighted, erodes your credibility, and fosters division in the church. It hardly makes their convictions garbage.. We have been waiting for him to make things right. . Now after commenting about 1st looks etc, I must confess that I have the hots for Stevie Nicks. No mans gifts and abilities are so necessary to Gods work that he (God) will violate his own word and wink at that mans seemingly covered and hidden sin. Right now, my concern is for the wife, the children, and the congregation. I dont care if its Billy Graham, Chuck Smith or John Calvin himself who came back from the dead if they should appear and teach contrary to the word of God, they are to be rejected. You sound like someone that isnt going to listen and repeat blindly without A deeper understanding, youre exactly what the body needs, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword Jesus. He has been overtaken in trespass now it is time to win. He sat on a U.S. presidential advisory board and received weekly updates straight from GOP mastermind Karl Rove. He was ready to give his life to the church. needed payment. Welcome to those who found this blog due to Bob Coys fall, my heart and prayers go out to you as you navigate this difficult time. Please remember there are family members who may well read the words you are writing one day. Michael continues to be a blogger fail, spreading innacurate information, in hopes of being a journalist/blogger while these comments help sell him ads and he continues to beg for money via paypal on here. It falsely teaches that a person must walk well enough to prove that they were saved. God bless. They had plenty of time to tell their people and they already had prepared for their family meeting. You made a freshman mistake. This is very important for forgiveness and redemption. If you are indeed saying the truth. 6 And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Bob Coy did not address the congregation on Sunday. Hugh. Seven times seven. Please, keep the balance and consider your own sins and the grace that is undeserving, (undeserved favor) has been extended to all of us. Lets look 20:1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key to the bottomless pit do angels have hands? In January 2016, he and Diane filed for divorce in Broward County. Do you ever think about the emotional damage you cause these women or the families you break up? where the Bible literally says that there will be a 1,000 yr EARTHLY reign of Christ this should not be hard since it is so clear. God sees everything. JB, your Coy worship is showing. Are you really without sin in your life? Andy, How I have seen just over the last two days, about where a person goes for Bible interpretation, will make all the difference. Chuck Missler and John Hagee wrote exactly what you are trying to sell. Answer truthfully now! Deal with it. Big difference. Youre down to 700; its not like youre bigtime anymore dude. The chapel's grounds are more expansive than those of many colleges and brim with high-end features: an Astroturf soccer field, a huge playroom stuffed with kid-size toy airplanes and plush animals, even a fine-dining restaurant where sermons and musical performances are live-streamed as guests feast on cooked-to-order steaks. Coy wouldn't be charged over her allegations. King David was not called to lead a church or ministry. The best counsel I received was to keep my eyes on Jesus and off of man. By now we should have learned how to come to these matters. Jesus transforms, not a pastor. We believe in one God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I know of huge churches that do teach the Bible, and arent funny at all, and they still have a large attendance. Although the first few notes of this cacophony of criticism were low (but, perhaps on pitch), the horn blowing quickly turned discordantmaking it difficult to distinguish the original theme. Two of my three children still struggle with doubt in their faith and I can not believe our experience didnt have something to do with it. I think it is a great post. Maybe I dont have the steps in order but you get my drift. Aka Danny Damond. I bet now that this is being covered by the big media outlets that more will come out. come now and get real it is plain as day, that if you really read the Bible with all your heart you would know that the mark of the beast is a bar code stamped on your forehead. As well as Pastor mark left but Im sure everyone feels that is because of something Mark did. Your. To know love is the greatest..certainly the church body has some seeking to do. Anonymous you mean CCFtl being Pre? He would simply confessown it all publiclywrite a new book on his time offand marvel at Gods grace toward him. Flynn, And no I dont listen to Chuck Missler or have a Schofield, I just read the Bible, you should try it sometime!. You sound too often like a bored office worker that just likes to argue with people online. yup. I wish only good things for Lorenzo. Coy will have to pay for that at the judgment. Before this Blog Newhman had maybe 5 readers. As of September 2017 1,800 churches operated with locations in all 50 states across the United States of America, and others internationally. Think about that, in light of Davids Bethsheba story. Face reality how could he be in the word and not be under conviction ? Over 24 hours from when the story broke, one mainstream media has posted something. I actually do not answer yes to all your questions. 15 It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. His programs were included on Trinity Broadcasting Network, a network that hosts several televangelists. The internet and increased availability of sexual content, both in the explosion of adult entertainment and media in general has really opened the door to men (and boys and women and girls) to be exposed to so much. We all know that we are all sinners saved only by Gods grace. He wasnt in any shape to give up a kidney anytime soon, so Jake was his best option. None are incapable of doing very bad things after they are saved and many on here point to guys like King David who was a polygamist who had sex slaves, committed adultery, murdered the husband of his mistress and was generally a bad guy for big chunks of his lifeyet he was a man after Gods own heart. What do you disagree with Luther on, just for the sake of argument? 23 At that time if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Messiah! or, There he is! do not believe it. With MLD leading the way with his self righteous smug attitude! fscaduto, Who are you to establish the guidelines of internet journalism? I hate replacement theology. Diane was the first pulled out of the car. Flynn wrote: To simply read the Bible simply you would never come up with conclusions like. 10 czerwca 2022 I especially remember the issue with the Festival of Lights display that was built, and since not being allowed to have it there, putting it in front of the church during the Christmas season. And the evil one must be ecstatic to see this! Make your own application. Michael said, Who is his congregation? This man was struggling with sin. That is why Mark Davis & Clay heacocks leftthey saw this stuff and said enough is enough!. Right, he didnt believe his own Bible studies. If they see him go to the offended and attempt reconciliationregardless of their response to himand maintain a gracious patience with those offended. This will harden them somewhat but it will pass and they will be better for it. About half a year later, the victim visited the police department and said she had an "experience with God" and has found forgiveness for Coy. I love the nuts. As an attendee of Calvary FTL I disagree. 1828 edition of Websters. When that sold well, on the spur of the moment they added another day. even a little. When it comes to blasting issues like Gay marriage from the pulpitsCC uses newspaper, tv, radio you name it. Quick Answer: What has happened to Pastor Bob Coy? I agree, lets drop the rocks and pray for Pastor Bob and his family. Sure glad its over. Im still here, though I have had a couple of colds since the Chuck curse. Andy, the whole passage is figurative or symbolic. I might add, and only because I know you dont know this, but it was Jesus in the gospels who told us that he has already bound Satan. This is called evangelical repentance, and is accompanied and followed by amendment of life. "There were no other allegations," he says. View the profiles of people named Diane Coy. Miami New Times also pointed to a long list of other staff who are part of the global family of Calvary Chapel churches and have been accused of sexual abuse, including a number from earlier this year.