This backfired when Lori greeted him with a rather annoyed glare, as Lincoln chuckled nervously. "So what are we watching?" Be good to Lori, They both exit the house and Lori blows her whistle. ", Lincoln: "Well, I don't want to eat here. They inspect her ankle, and to their horror sees a giant swell on it. I'll race you.". Lori: "Isn't this nice, Lincoln? AND FOR SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED A MONTH AGO?! Lincoln drew back a little and locked eyes with Lori once again, his curiosity piqued. I was here first! "I guess not.". He has a couple bruises on his face and a black eye. Why do youguys care? I've been through middle school, and trust me when I say that it's nothing that you can't handle. They all get into a line. LINCOLN: I can't believe them! Lana: Well. Lincoln and Lori go to seperate changing stations to change into their swimwear. It's been a month since Ronnie Anne moved away, and everyone is starting to worry about you. We have done so much to you tonight, and we're terribly sorry. Lana: Maybe it's a date. Lori's annoyed looks truns into a worried look. Honestly, I couldn't ask for a bettersister. ", Lincoln looked back up at Lori, peering at her with curiosity. Lincoln Uchiha Ft (@THE_13_CLUB) by Alex Debi 29.9K 576 44 Lincoln ran to the woods after being blamed for something, where he found a man on the verge of death, let's just say Lincoln saw things differently after his encounter. Once he got within arm's reach, she put her arm around him and pulled him close, letting him rest his head on her shoulder. He can see Lori frown, while she stares at her sprained ankle. Given how responsible Lori is she'd know touching her brother like that isn't OK and she definitely would know that it's not OK for him to be touching her in such an intimate manner. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not a good big sister after all.". Lincoln loosened his hold a bit and looked up into her eyes. It's literally a three-hour drive away from here. How's that sound?". Even though I hate him, I still love him. I'm a little hurt and have a few bruises, but nothing's broken. Great, he thought. When boys get to Lincoln's age it's important for them to be taught boundaries and what's appropriate in regards to touching others. After the two sit and enjoy the view for a couple minutes, Lori speaks up. LORI: Agreed, little bro. Lori's Consequences and Actions - Ch276Zj - Wattpad We all do our individual jobs! Moments later, Lori emerged from the kitchen with a steaming plate of hot pockets balanced on her hands. I won't force you.". ", Lori: "So, have you talked to her, lately? Lincoln starts shaking in fear. Just an ordanary day for me. ", Lincoln: "Alright, Lori. Bedtime is at 9:00 sharp. Lori: "What about you? Lincoln: (sarcastic) Now isn't that love right there? Moments later, flour pours onto her, getting into her eyes. Lori: Aw, thank you Lola, you shouldn't have! ", Lori: "No need to thank me. What are you gonna do about it, toots?". Leni:"So, what did you and Bobby talk about? After rubbing her back for a few seconds, Lori sits up. What do you want? LUNA: Hey, sis. Lori drives Lincoln to a very familiar restaurant; Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet. Lincoln puts suncreen on his hand and begins rubbing it on his sister's back. Besides, it's not like I'm any better. Lori gets in her bed with Lincoln following along. Lincoln smells bad? she asked, giving him another grin. After a few minutes, the two get out of the water and sit on their spot. Lynn: Me too. Nowadays, however, this routine was mostly just a way to remind her siblings not to take her orders lightly. As a family, we should help each other when we have problems. And it's Friday. ", Lincoln: "Oh no, it's fine. ", Lori: "Well, we can still visit them once in a while. There's a romantic comedy that's gonna play. Sorry for worrying you guys. Lori noticesa couple of teenagers playing Volley Ball. Lincoln: "Alright. Lynn: I never leave home without my lucky horseshoe. So much for being able to handle our teasing. Lori: (in her head) "Wow. Lori: (while whispering and caressing Lincoln's back gently)ShhhShh sh sh. LINCOLN: Ahh, this motel is great. Duncan and Drake lets Lincoln go runs towards her in an attempt to attack her, but Lori quickly grabs the two and makes them headbutt each other, hurting them a lot. Let's put some sunscreen on. Lincoln: "No fair, Lori! Suddenly, Lincoln felt a pang of sadness clutching his heart. LINCOLN: I sure do miss them. You should never be afraid to tell me, our sisters, or mom and dad. "If the others hear about this, they'll all want to get in on it. We're gonna have your parents come and pick you up. Lori smiles from what Lincoln said and wraps her arms around him. Rita: Good, now well see you kids in a few days. Mama! Everything's good.". It'll never be perfect in this house, but you girls sure know how to make it up, Lincoln gives her a warm smile, making her smile too. After they finished eating the two get inside Vanzillaand head to the cinema to watch a movie. Lori just kept her arm wrapped snugly around his back and used her free hand to stroke his hair. Lincoln, remembering why he's with her in the first place, heads toward the card. And I thought I could get through this by myself, but as time went on, I just kept feeling worse. We're all here for you. Didwe really think we could convince them not to move? Mythird fanfiction. Young Lincoln: "Thanks, Lori. Just tell us what's bugging you. (Luna and Leni then hugged Lincoln, they then kissed him), (The three hugged each other; Lincoln think of something and run to his room to get something), (Lincoln run back downstairs with 3 tickets). So maybe", Lincoln's eyes fluttered, as his blush grew bright enough to cut through the darkness of the living room. It's okay. Lincoln: Well, because you already did that! Alright! lori comforts lincoln fanfiction He tries to throw a punch at her, but Lori garbs his wrist and squeezes it. My dad and I made the toilet uncloggable. "But I havesomuch faith in you. Lori looks at Lincoln who is down on his hands and knees. He received hugs from his sisters all the time, but it was rare that he got to experience this level of physical intimacy - his arms wrapped snug around his big sister, his head resting gently against her chest, with nary a sound but the soothing, rhythmic thumping of her heart. LOLA: Yeah, I miss him. Lincoln: (talking to viewers) Well, it's been a few days since the whole bet went down and ever since, Lori hasn't been very strict. But only because you asked nicely". Those selfish girls! ", Rita: "Oh, a little sibling bonding time? Lincoln can feel the sympathy coming out of her, implying that she really means it. Lincoln: Please. ", Leni: "Funk? You don't deserve this much bullying. In her arms, he felt just as safe and secure as he'd feel in Rita's. As always, Lori's in charge and you must listen to her. They start marching away, but then they heard a shout. I was thinking that maybe we could spend a little time together after lights out. As she said this, she was applying the suncreen on Lincoln's other arm and chest, much to his annoyance. Just then, he hears a knock on his door.. LINCOLN: (laughs) That was the best episode ever! Lincoln: (furious) SAYS THE ONE WHO MADE LORI FLY DOWN THE STAIRS!!! ", She lay a hand across Lincoln's shoulder, beaming down at him. "Meet me outside my room at 9:30. LUNA: (enraged and heartbroken) IT's ALL YOUR FAULTS! Lori: "I'm just making sure you're having a good time. Occasionally, she'd reach over and feed him a hot pocket. "You were just a baby.". Lana, you can play with your pets, but I don't want to see mud in here. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. She will not let us anywhere near us. Get him to open up about how he feels. I CAN'T EVEN MOVE! (In Hazeltucky, night, Lincoln is resting at the motel and eating pizza). I watch Dream Boat with you and our sisters. Lori's expression changed when she heard that. Lincoln heads into the kitchen and exits it with an ice pack in his hand. What should I do?" Bobby: "Hmm. If you ever try to hurt my brother again, there will be dire consequences?! Lori lead him into her room and promptly locked the door behind them. Lincoln: Aren't you supposed to have at least one good luck charm. Luna, bring me the first aid kit. ", Lori: "Well, duh. WARNING: This story will contain a violent scene later on, but no blood. Lori: I'll admit, I've missed this quite a bit. Working together, the siblings score a few times, but are still having fun. LINCOLN: Oh yeah, I got another ticket, you wanna go Lucy? Lincoln: (talking to himself) "What is wrong with you, Lincoln? Lincoln's Hot Tub Experience - Chapter 1 - Archive of Our Own Lynn: "What do you think is wrong with him? Lori had moved back in after her fiancee cheated on her, Leni had gotten roped into a cult then a pyramid scheme then did some shady politics in Brazil and was now legally barred from leaving the house without . ", Lori: "Lincoln. Lori give Lincoln a cute smile. "All right Bun Bun, it looks like I'm ready." The two enter the cinema andlook at what movies are playing. LINCOLN: I'm quite comfortable with who I am. You'rebright. Apart those bullies beating you up, how was your day with Lori? (She takes his soda) Now, this is mine. Lincoln holds on to the side of the doorway. With roses bedtight. As soon as Rita said that, the girls rush out of their rooms and head to the dining room. Luan: Alright then, let's head down to the phone! As time went on and mom and dad were having more kids, I was feeling pressured because, like, I'm the oldest of a lot of siblings. Since everyone else is able to handle it, I always thought you could handle it too. You don't want my back to get burned, do you? ", Lynn Sr.: "Well, if he's really tired, maybe we shouldn'tbother him. You're kind, sweet, helpful and fun to be with, and we can't wish any more for that. Anyways, your mom and I have been thinking about it and we decided that we need some time to ourselves, so we're gonna be going to a hotel for the weekend. Mom and Dad put me in charge while they on vacation. Luan: Although I am a comedian, there is no laughing matter about this. Lincoln: Don't you see, everytime something has happen to me because of you girls, you always came back and apologized, doing whatever you can for me.