The Cult Leader's Wife That Disappeared - Medium caused further tensions in the house, which Aleister Crowley heard about from communications from her housemates. The Hubbards had four children: Diana (born 1952), Quentin (19541976), Suzette (born 1955), and Arthur (born 1958). members, Northrup's usurpation of Helen's role led to conflict between the two sisters. 95 quotes from L. Ron Hubbard: 'Ideas and not battles mark the forward progress of mankind.', 'When reading a book, be very certain that you never go past a word you do not fully understand. By that time, Hubbard had separated from his first wife, Margaret "Polly" Grubb, but he was still legally married to her when he proposed to Northrup. This body was responsible for overseeing each of the seven organizational subdivisions of the Church of Scientology. I believe she is under duress, that they have something on her and I believe that under a grilling she would talk and turn state's evidence.[66]. In 1923 the family moved to Pasadena, a destination said to have been chosen by Olga using a Ouija board. She filed for divorce in an effort to try and create a false record that she had been married to him." Someone erroneously tipped Hubbard off that the FBI was going to raid again and a massive shredding frenzy took place in Palm Springs, CA as he left on 2/14/1980, again going into hiding, never to return. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39 Harry was born "Henry August Wilson" in Fayette, Iowa but was orphaned as an infant and adopted by the Hubbards, a farming family of Fredericksburg, Iowa. The Occult Roots of Scientology?: L. Ron Hubbard, Aleister Crowley, and She was a bitch. . [45] Mary Sue was closely involved in the strategy; a letter written by her, approving the thefts, was later used in evidence against her. [85], Neither Northrup nor Alexis made any further attempt to contact Hubbard, who disinherited Alexis in his will, written in January 1986 on the day before he died. L. Ron Hubbard - RationalWiki ismertebb nevn L. Ron Hubbard amerikai sci-fi -r s a szcientolgia egyhz alaptja. On one occasion, while Northrup was pregnant, Hubbard kicked her several times in the stomach in an apparent though unsuccessful attempt to induce an abortion. After breakfast he would go into his office and I would rarely see him again until six-thirty when I had to have the table laid for dinner. The primary exponent of Scientology is the Church of Scientology, a centralized and hierarchical organization based in Florida, although many practitioners . Starcasm Staff March 30, 2015 L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology In the HBO documentary Going Clea r that aired Sunday night it was revealed that according to Scientology founder L. Ron. Photo by the Miami Daily News. [27] The trip had the air of a punishment detail and was dubbed the "liability cruise"; conditions on board were reportedly appalling. "[34] One night while they were living beside a frozen lake in Stroudsburg, Hubbard hit her across the face with his .45 pistol. The case eventually came to trial in September 1979, following months of delay occasioned by a fierce rear-guard action by the Church of Scientology's lawyers. Together, we planned a series of missions to take over the GO, investigate it and reform it thoroughly. He replied, "You know, I'm a public figure and you're nobody, so if you have to go through the divorce, I'll accuse you of desertion so it won't look so bad on my public record. [2] She was the granddaughter of Russian emigrant Malacon Kosadamanov (later Nelson) who emigrated to Sweden. Sometimes when the two of them were sitting at the table together, the hostility was almost tangible. She soon began an affair with Hubbard, who had just been divorced from his second wife Sara, and moved in with him within only a few weeks of arriving in Wichita. I have no revenge motive nor am I trying to angle this broader than it is. I see her every day. She was a highly intelligent woman who helped her husband with his research and writing. In a memo of December 2, 1969, he wrote that the operation had started with bad reviews of Dianetics, "pushed then by the Sara Komkovadamanov [sic] (alias Northrup) "divorce" actions At the back of it was Miles Hollister (psychology student) Sara Komkosadamanov [sic] (housekeeper at the place nuclear physicists stayed near Caltech) "[82], By 1970, Northrup and Hollister had moved to Maui, Hawaii. Scientology Goes There: Argues Child Molestation is a Religious . . whom I believed to be my wife, having married her and then, after some mix-up about a divorce, believed to be my wife in common law. Dissmissed [sic] in February when affiliations discovered. How racist was L. Ron Hubbard - compared to, other racists? Mr. Ronald Reagan President . They spent most of their time working; there was very little socializing. About 22 yrs, 6', 180 lbs. Despite her shock and humiliation, she felt compelled to return to Hubbard. [44] Klowden recalled that Northrup "was very hostile to me. . He kept her sitting up in a chair, denying her sleep, trying to use Black Dianetic principles on her, repeating over and over again whatever he wanted her to do. That was one of the reasons L. Ron Hubbard never had a relationship with her. Northrup's attorney filed another petition asking for Hubbard's assets to be frozen as he had been found "hiding" in Wichita "but that he would probably leave town upon being detected". 10 Of The Strangest Stories About Scientology's L. Ron Hubbard Her husband's reaction was one of fury, blaming Quentin for in his eyes letting him down. There was no shortage of work for her to do; further legal difficulties were anticipated, as there was a New York grand jury investigating Operation Freakout, the GO's campaign against New York author Paulette Cooper, and a Florida grand jury looking into Scientology's activities in Clearwater. Later, Hubbard said his wife left him because he was a cripple: Mary Sue was appointed by her husband as Guardian (later Controller) of the Guardian's Office (GO) in March 1966. On the night of February 24, 1951, Alexis was being looked after by John Sanborne while Northrup had a night at the movies. She began an affair with Wilfred Smith, Parsons' mentor in the O.T.O. She persuaded him that the compulsion instilled by the communists would be dissipated by going ahead with the flight: "Well, I have to follow their dictates. She may have a record . In the summer of 1972, Hubbard ordered that around $2 million in cash be transferred from OTC bank accounts in Switzerland to the Apollo, where it was stored for the next three years in a locked file cabinet to which Mary Sue Hubbard had the only set of keys. . Quentin committed suicide in Las. [59], In July 1981, all remaining GO staff were ordered to join the Sea Org, which would thus secure the CMO's control of the Guardian's Office, and the current Guardian, Jane Kember who was one of those convicted on conspiracy charges was to be removed. The dinner party backfired drastically; Northrup began an affair with Hollister, a handsome 22-year-old who was college-educated and a noted sportsman. The fact is that Hubbard had been married 3 times at the time of the interview. As far as I know, all his policies and doctrines were race-neutral, which is a big deal for someone from the 1940s. member, wrote to Karl Germer to explain the situation: As you may know by this time, Brother John signed a partnership agreement with this Ron and Betty whereby all money earned by the three for life is equally divided between the three. "[69], On June 12, Hubbard was awarded a divorce in the County Court of Sedgwick County, Kansas on the basis of Northrup's "gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty", which had caused him "nervous breakdown and impairment to health. [35] The presence of the Hubbards was meant to be a secret, but in January 1976 he was recognized by a science fiction fan while on a shopping trip. John Sanborne, who worked with Hubbard for many years, recalled: Earlier on (before the divorce) he made this stupid attempt to get Northrup brainwashed so she'd do what he said. [18] Not long afterwards Hubbard bought Saint Hill Manor at Saint Hill Green, near East Grinstead, West Sussex. They used to have fierce husband and wife domestic arguments. Scientology Founder's Wife Gets Prison Term - Washington Post With 19 New York Times bestsellers and more than 350 million copies of his works in circulation, L. Ron Hubbard is among the most enduring and widely read authors of our time. [32] Northrup had no idea of Hubbard's first marriage or why people were treating her so strangely until his son L. Ron Hubbard Jr. told her that his parents were still married. Hubbard would evolve into the leader of the Church of Scientology. He was 74 years old. She played a leading role in the management of the Church of Scientology, rising to become the head of the Church's Guardian's Office (GO). Hubbard became Parsons' "magical partner" for a sex magic ritual that was intended to summon an incarnation of a goddess. Hubbard blamed Klowden for the suicide bid and told her to forget about him and the Foundation, but resumed the affair with her again within a month.[48]. Fur coats, Lincoln cars and a young man without any concept of honor so far turned the head of the woman who had been associated with me that on discovery of her affairs, she and these others, hungry for money and power, sought to take over and control all of Dianetics. I cared for her rather deeply but I have no desire to control her emotions, and I can, I hope, control my own. "I thought he was pretty. [64], The convictions of Mary Sue Hubbard and the other GO staff executives were upheld by a federal appeals court in October 1981,[65] and in November seven of those convicted dropped their appeals but not Mary Sue, who continued to fight the charges. [38] Northrup became Hubbard's personal auditor (Dianetic counselor)[39] and was hailed by him as one of the first Dianetic "Clears". And it was the nineteenth of June and it was the happiest day of my life. Its founder, L. Ron Hubbard, has been described variously as the man who "solved the riddle of the human mind" (by the Church of Scientology), 4 as "a mental case" (by the FBI), 5 and as "hopelessly insane" (by his former wife). I had hoped that you could straighten him out. . His sexual difficulties with Northrup, for which he was taking testosterone supplements, are a significant feature of the document. He briefed the divorce court reporters for the Los Angeles Times and the Examiner, who were both women and early feminists, to ensure that "they knew what a bastard this guy Hubbard was. [11] and had a son in 1943 who bore Parsons' surname but who was almost certainly fathered by Smith. [84] Even his own staff were shocked by the contents of Hubbard's letter; he ended his instructions to them with the statement, "Decency is not a subject well understood". After Hubbard was convicted of petty theft in San Luis Obispo in August 1948,[32] the couple moved again to Savannah, Georgia. [78] In December 1995, Hubbard had a mastectomy of her left breast. [33] She later recalled: "I would often entertain him with plots so he could write. Hubbard spread allegations that she was a Communist secret agent and repeatedly denounced her to the FBI. If she could not break it up by making social engagements with key personnel she, and her gang, would go out to a bar and keep calling in asking for certain people to come to the telephone. Sara Northrup Hubbard, 2nd wife of L. Ron Hubbard Hubbard's strange writings did seem to imbue him with a special kind of confidence and belief in his own abilities, which for many seemed like supernatural powers. [41] The Dianetics Foundation was making a huge amount of money, but problems were already evident: money was pouring out as fast as it was coming in, due to lax financial management and Hubbard's own free spending. Mary Sue Hubbard and the GO, however, did not simply capitulate. Hubbards mission was successful far beyond anyones expectations. Ron Hubbard's first wife was Jack Parsons' second wife, who he stole away from Jack, along with a lot of his life savings. [16] They remained there until 1957, when Hubbard returned to lecture at the Academy of Scientology in Washington, D.C., with Mary Sue and the children following later. [21] Parsons subsequently resorted to more conventional means of obtaining redress and sued the couple on July 1 in the Circuit Court for Dade County. [24] It was not until much later that Northrup discovered that Hubbard had never been divorced from his first wife, Margaret "Polly" Grubb; the marriage was bigamous. Hubbard was an Eagle Scout. I went back several times later to make sure that she wasn't going to rat on him. In 1984 she acted as an "intervenor" in the Church of Scientology of California's lawsuit against Gerry Armstrong. According to his public relations assistant, Barbara Klowden, Hubbard became increasingly paranoid and authoritarian due to "political and organizational problems with people grabbing for power. She worked with her husband, completing tasks for him and helping to dull his temper when he raged at other members. Operation Clambake present: The H-Files on L. Ron Hubbard Mary Sue and two others received the heaviest penalties, a five-year prison sentence and a $10,000 fine. Perhaps in your criminal files or on the police blotter of Pasadena you will find Sara Elizabeth Northrop, age about 26, born April 8, 1925, about 5'9", blond-brown hair, slender . L. Ron Hubbard in Ocala Star-Banner - Jan 30 1986 view all Immediate Family Margaret Ochs ex-wife Ronald DeWolf son Catherine May Gillespie daughter Sara Northup Hollister ex-wife Private child Mary Sue Hubbard wife Diana Meredith Horwich daughter Quentin Hubbard son Mary Suzette Rochelle White daughter Arthur Ronald Conway Hubbard son After her resignation from the GO, Mary Sue Hubbard ceased to have any involvement in the management of the Church of Scientology. The divorce of Sara Hubbard, April 1951 - Spaink Her achievement was commemorated in a special tribute edition of the Scientology newspaper The Auditor, titled simply: "Mary Sue Hubbard Clear #208". She was part of a free love colony in Pasadena. [28] The "liability cruise" ended in June 1969. [17] Although they got on well as fellow occultists, tensions between the two men were apparent in more domestic settings. She made a striking impression on the other lodgers; George Pendle describes her as "feisty and untamed, proud and self-willed, she stood five foot nine, had a lithe body and blond hair, and was extremely candid. They were married in Maryland in 1946. At the time, Hubbard's wife Mary Sue was appealing her conviction in the Snow White prosecution along with ten other Scientologists. ", HUBBARD: "I never had a second wife."[78]. [93] Rejecting any suggestion that she was some kind of "pathetic person who has suffered through the years because of my time with Ron", Northrup spoke of her relief that she had been able to put it behind her. [20], Northrup later recalled that the boat had been caught in a hurricane in the Panama Canal, damaging it too badly to be able to continue the voyage to California. He dubbed her "the alley-cat" after an unnamed mutual acquaintance told him that Parsons's attraction to her was like "a yellow pup bumming around with his snout glued to the rump of an alley-cat. [59] Hubbard fled to Havana, Cuba, where he wrote a letter to Northrup: I have been in the Cuban military hospital and I am being transferred to the United States next week as a classified scientist immune from interference of all kinds. [4], She became pregnant in February 1952 and married Hubbard the next month. An attempt was made to have her sign an affidavit stating that she was in fact the daughter of L. Ron Hubbard's first son, her half-brother L. Ron Hubbard, Jr.[87], As the United Press International news agency noted, Church of Scientology biographies of Hubbard's life do not mention either of his first two wives. My first wife is dead. His second wife, Sarah, claimed mental and . "[79] Hubbard also gave a new explanation of why he had been involved with Jack Parsons and the O.T.O. When he talked about his first wife, the picture he put out of himself was of this poor wounded fellow coming home from the war and being abandoned by his wife and family because he would be a drain on them. I please her physically until she weeps about any separation. Georgia Guidestones Were Built by L. Ron Hubbard [38] The raids were in response to the federal government's discovery that the Church of Scientology had been carrying out a secret and highly illegal "dirty tricks" campaign against government agencies, individuals, and institutions deemed to be enemies of Scientology. [37], On July 8, 1977, 134 agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation simultaneously stormed the Church of Scientology's offices in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, seizing nearly 50,000 documents and other evidence. "[50] Hubbard enlisted de Mille and another Dianeticist, Dave Williams, in an attempt to convince her to stay with him. I remember he said to me I was the only person he knew who would set up a white silk tent for him. [76] Mary Sue Hubbard continued to be active in Scientology well into the 1990s; in a 1994 Scientology magazine, she was listed as a "Patron" of the International Association of Scientologists, indicating a donation of $40,000. An explorer, a mystic, a bestselling author, a nuclear physicist . The news story which the photograph accompanied has been republished by the Church with all mention of Northrup edited out from the text. Recently released FBI files show L. Ron Hubbard offering to - MuckRock L.Ron Hubbard's Death - Scientolipedia He succeeded in escaping in May and turned himself in to the FBI, making a full confession. Maybe he should be reincarnated as a rabbit. Jack Parsons was also an avid student and practitioner of the occult. Miscavige provided a first-hand account of these events, in an affidavit submitted in a case heard in 1994 in California, Church of Scientology International vs. Steven Fishman and Uwe Geertz. Suspected only. It was horrible. 4. Parsons told Helen to her face that he preferred Northrup sexually: "This is a fact that I can do nothing about. A change in the visa regime in the UK enabled foreigners to remain indefinitely if they had sufficient means to support themselves. [47], Klowden recalled later that "he was very down in the dumps about his wife. She joined as a teenager along with her older sister Helen. Though I will be hospitalized probably a long time, Alexis is getting excellent care. Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 05:30, International Association of Scientologists, "Will the L. Ron Hubbard House Turn a Camelback Neighborhood Into a Scientology Recruitment Mecca? He wasn't married to her. "[68] She agreed to sign a statement, written by Hubbard himself, that retracted the allegations that she had made against him: I, Sara Northrup Hubbard, do hereby state that the things I have said about L. Ron Hubbard in courts and the public prints have been grossly exaggerated or entirely false. By this time Mary Sue was pregnant for a fourth time and gave birth to her final child, Arthur Ronald Conway Hubbard, on June 6, 1958.[17]. [32], The relationship was not an easy one. Although he bluffed it out initially, a warrant was issued for his arrest in August. [22] Northrup was able to dissuade Parsons from pressing his case by threatening to expose their past relationship, which had begun when she was under the legal age of consent. L. Ron Hubbard and Sara, his second wife, aboard the schooner Blue Water II, June 1946 in Miami, Florida. ", "Court upholds convictions of 9 Scientologists", "Church of Scientology of California, Plaintiff, Mary Sue Hubbard, Intervenor, vs. Gerald Armstrong, Defendant Memorandum of Intended Decision", "Son of Church Founder Is Sued by Stepmother",, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 05:30. Fearing arrest, he fled to Washington, D.C. with a handful of aides while Mary Sue was left behind in Florida continuing her day-to-day management activities. [3] She originally intended to work in petroleum research, but a friend persuaded her to travel with him to Wichita, Kansas, in mid-1951 to take a Dianetics course at the Hubbard Dianetic Foundation. They set up a business partnership on January 15, 1946 under the name of "Allied Enterprises", with Parsons putting up $20,000 of capital, Hubbard adding $1,200 and Northrup contributing nothing. She had attached herself to a Jack Parsons, the rocket expert, during the war and when she left him he was a wreck. Scientology leader is MISSING as lawyers try to seek him over child [32] They were reunited in September 1973, when the possibility of extradition had passed. January 8, 1983 Mary Sue Hubbard, wife of the founder of the Church of Scientology, was sentenced in federal court here yesterday to four years in prison for her role in a conspiracy to plant. Under his doctrine he believed that "mistakes do not just happen, somebody causes them, always". [7], They went back to London in December on a fresh visa and stayed there until the end of May 1953, before departing for an extended holiday in Spain. I doubt that she would face what you have with me or support me as well. I'll just go to the airplane. [It] was made clear that we had no choice but to overthrow the GO and dismiss everyone who had violated Church policy or the law. They traveled to Phoenix for Christmas 1953 and it was there on January 6, 1954, that Mary Sue gave birth to her second child, Geoffrey Quentin McCaully Hubbard.[9]. [27] The Royal Scotman was later renamed the Apollo. She is all I have to live for. He stated: In 1981, a Church investigation was begun into the activities of the GO. This work took a variety of forms, including public relations, legal actions, and the gathering of "intelligence" on perceived enemies. From 1941 to 1945 she had a turbulent relationship with her sister's husband John Whiteside Parsons, a pioneer in liquid-fueled rocketry and head of the Pasadena O.T.O. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard ( Tilden, Nebraska, 1911. mrcius 13. Who Is L. Ron Hubbard's Wife? Mary Sue Hubbard was still asserting her authority over the GO from her position as Controller. Sorted by date as received from FBI archives. An archive of documents released by FBI about L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. When she ran off with another man Ron followed them and they locked him in a hotel room and pushed drugs up his nose, but he managed to escape and went to Cuba. Instead, he said, if Northrup really loved him she should kill herself. I have not at any time believed otherwise than that L. Ron Hubbard is a fine and brilliant man. She personally handled large quantities of cash on Hubbard's behalf. 's US head, Karl Germer, labeled her "an ordeal sent by the gods". She subsequently married one of Hubbard's former employees, Miles Hollister, and moved to Hawaii and later Massachusetts, where she died in 1997. This was done before his divorce from his first wife, Polly. L. Ron Hubbard Quotes (Author of Battlefield Earth) - Goodreads Add a Comment. Apart from captaining the Royal Scotman for a period, Mary Sue's duties included managing the sprawling empire of the Guardian's Office agency within the Church of Scientology and serving as the chair of an executive group known variously as the Commodore's Staff Aides, the Aides Council, and the International Board of Scientology Organizations. This was the only time Hubbard allowed an outside crew to interview him. She soon became involved in a relationship with Hubbard and married him in March 1952. Playing along, she told Hubbard that he was right and that the only way she could break free of their power was by going through with the divorce. "[21], On January 26, 1967, Mary Sue was confirmed as a Scientology "Clear", a somewhat elite rank at that time. [15] Hubbard soon began an affair with Northrup after beginning "affairs with one girl after another in the house. It just never occurred to me he was a liar. I'm actually gonna disagree with most people here. Speaking to Dianeticists following the divorce, Hubbard blamed shadowy outside forces for the bad publicity: "We have just been through the saw mill, through the public presses. At six-twenty-five I would go into his office with a jacket for him to wear to table and after dinner they would spend an hour or so watching television with the children and then he and Mary Sue would return to work in their separate offices. Mary Sue Hubbard (ne Whipp; June 17, 1931 - November 25, 2002 [1]) was the third wife of L. Ron Hubbard, from 1952 until his death in 1986. Mary Sue was promoted to the position of Controller "for life" of the Guardian's Office in January 1969, with one of her subordinates, Jane Kember, being appointed to Mary Sue's old post of Guardian. She told him: "All right, I'll marry you, if that's going to save you. Apparently it is the ordinary confidence trick."[19]. [25] He wrote: Sara, my sweetheart, is young, beautiful, desirable. L. Ron Hubbard started beating his wife during summer 1946. Meals for the Commodore and his family were cooked in a separate galley by their personal chef, using ingredients brought by couriers from the United States.[26]. He went to live at the house and investigated the black magic rites and the general situation and found them very bad. ), a secret society led by the English occultist Aleister Crowley, where she was known as "Soror [Sister] Cassap".